Efficiency for Professional
Manage your yards, trips, and honey supers. Fast. Efficient. Saves you time and money, increases your yields. We track hive height counts using supers. Commercial beekeepers need to be quick in and out of yards, we make that even better!
We have developed this across three years and used it to improve operations at commercial beekeeping operations in Canada and USA. Simply put…IT WORKS. There is NO COST for you to run only one yard. Give it a try today! If you like it, add your other yards for only $1 per month per yard.
ONLY $1 per month, per yard. One Yard is FREE to try, no time limit. Powerful yard summary reports let you know hive counts, super counts, trip visit dates, and your company activity. We even have mapping to see where your yards are!
We help you automate yard counts, trip planning, and efficient management of your sites. Spend less time figuring out truck plans, more time planning honey optimization. At only $1 a yard per month, we are an AMAZING way to bring more value to your business.
Incredibly powerful beekeeping trip management!
Manage Yards Better.
More Honey.
Manage Trips Better.
Even More Honey!
Optimize Resources.
More Honey, More Time!
Powerful Time Saving Features
Quit wasting time guessing on which yards to visit, or how many supers you have to pull. We track your trips and hives, without slowing your teams down. Never miss a yard again! And you can catch stolen hives or supers by reviewing our yard trip data live in the app. Consider adding BeeSecure GPS tracker in one or two hives at each yard, to better track your hives and prevent theft.

“HiveTrak has helped me automate our trip planning, and allows me to know exactly how many supers we have at each yard. This means we can better plan our pulls and supering trips to optimize the trucks and staff.”

“Thanks to HiveTrak we have made our extracting and honey pull more efficient, and can plan staffing accordingly. We also know how many hives we have at each yard, and how best to run the yards.”

“Knowing the super counts in each yard allows us to prevent theft and monitor for underperforming hives which may require a more experienced beekeeper to assess them for issues. This keeps our operation at peak productivity and health.”
Download HiveTrak NOW
Tracking ONE YARD is FREE! Scale up if you find value, at only $1 / month per yard.